segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013


✔ The Wolf and The Shepherd by Aesop -
✔ Warmer: Tell Me a Joke -
✔ There Is or There Are -
✔ Movie Worksheet: Glee - Dreams (Future Tense) -
✔ Reading: Married to a Bridge -
✔ Pronunciation - Regular Verbs - Past Endings -
✔ Reading: Kids and Bedtime Stories -
✔ Syllables - Animal Words -
✔ Romeo and Juliet -
✔ Understanding Money - Maths Resource -
✔ Degrees of Comparison - the Game -
✔ Prejudice, Discrimination and Intolerance in Schools -
✔ Reading Comprehension 1 -
✔ Mixed Conditionals -
✔ Speed Dating -

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

English Grammar Lesson: Possessive 'S'.

YouTube The Simpsons · TEST on possessives and family words

Family Words for Toddlers!

family member vocabulary - English vocabulary lessons

family member vocabulary - English vocabulary lessons

Verbs: Present Perfect Tense

Understanding The Present Perfect

Understanding The Present Perfect

Present Perfect Tense - English grammar tutorial video lesson

reported speech game

Changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech - Part 2

Reported Speech (Part 2) - Reported Requests, Orders, Questions

Reported Speech (Part 1) - Reported Statements in English (+playlist)

Grammar (playlist)

terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013


✔ Past Simple Matching -
✔ Coutries and Nationalities -
✔ Colours (Sheet) -
✔ Colours Minibook -
✔ Numbers up to 100 -
✔ Telling the Time - Bingo -
✔ Describing a Person Step by Step -
✔ Electronic Devices Vocabulary Worksheet -
✔ Jokes. Matching Game -
✔ Movie Worksheet: Melody -
✔ Possessive Pronouns -
✔ Adjectives for Fun Double Puzzle -
✔ Song Worksheet: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing -
✔ Months Tile Puzzle -
✔ Adding to 20 - Math Resource -
✔ Half of an Amount - Maths worksheet -
✔ Next to, Above and Below - Maths Resource -
✔ Numbers and Сalculation -
✔ Advice & Advise -

In On At

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013


✔ Confusing Similar Words -
✔ Song Worksheet: Roar by Katy Perry ( 5 Activities) -
✔ Quiz on Superstitions -
✔ Superstitions -
✔ Song Worksheet: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You by Heart ( Past Simple) -
✔ Fraction as Part of a Whole -
✔ What's the Time? -
✔ Movie Worksheet: Hey, Arnold - New Teacher -
✔ Song Worksheet: My Heart Will Go on by Celine Dion -
✔ Men vs Women - Conversation Session -
✔ Personality Adjectives Vocabulary -
✔ Song Worksheet: Because You Loved Me by Jesuton -

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013


✔ Body Idioms -
✔ Culture & Art Vocabulary -
✔ Song Worksheet: The Pelican Beak Song -
✔ Reading Comprehension - My Lunch -
✔ Simple Past Exercises -
✔ Olympic Sports - the Verbs to Play, Do, or Go -
✔ Appearance Vocabulary -
✔ Sports Vocabulary -
✔ Around The House -
✔ Ordinary Day Vocabulary -
✔ Wanted Appearance Description -
✔ Health & Addictions Vocabulary -
✔ Geography Quiz -
✔ Amazing Hotels -
✔ You Are What You Eat - Intermediate / Advanced Reading Practice -
✔ Movie Quiz -
✔ Julia's House Reading Comprehension Worksheet -
✔ Punctuation Classroom Poster -